Core Ability Summary
Core Abilities are
transferable skills that go beyond the context of a specific course. They are
essential, regardless of an individual’s personal, occupational or community
roles. Core abilities are not taught in any specific course; instead they are
interwoven and measured throughout program curriculum.
1. Communicate Effectively
I communicate with my cooperating teaching when things are coming up and when I was planning my lead week. I asked relevant questions while planning my lead week and she give me some ideas on what to do. I have listening skills when it comes to listening to others. I always ask for clarification when it comes to me wanting to do something with the children.
2. Think Critically and Creatively
When planning or teaching I always apply basic child development strategies. I always told my cooperating teacher when I was observing and always help or participate in classroom activities. Able to adjust when it’s needed to meet the needs and interest of children. Brainstorm with my cooperating teacher when it came to planning activities. Took risks when I was performing activities. When observing I can observe children objectively.
3. Solve Problems Effectively
Attend to problem situations when needed and well use various resources when it comes to solving a problem. Ask questions when it’s necessary. I do use journals to help me communicate with my instructor or email.
4. Work Cooperatively & Professionally
I work well as a team member with my cooperating teacher, instructor, classmates, and others. Adheres to the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct. Consults with cooperating teacher when it comes to planning activities.
5. Value Individual Differences and Abilities
Always respectful to children and adults! I am never judgmental and values myself and others. I respect others and always am honest. I appreciates all viewpoints not just my own. Employs culturally sensitive language and nonverbal communication that is appropriate for the setting.
6. Demonstrate Personal Accountability
Always there and always on time at my practicum. I always follow directions that is given by my cooperating teacher. Shows initiative at my practicum site. Adheres to the cooperating teacher’s schedule. Adheres centers policies rules and regulations regarding dress code, conduct, and communication. Utilizes appropriate skills necessary for working with young children. Completes and turns in homework on a timely matter.
7. Demonstrate Community and Global Accountability
Uses culturally sensitive language and nonverbal communication that is appropriate for academic and work setting. Expresses sensitivity towards others and shows respect to all people. Considerate to other viewpoints. Represents a positive student of NWTC and Early Childhood Education program.
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