ECE: 5 Demonstrate Professionalism

ECE: 5 Demonstrate Professionalism

 A.   You Adhere to the NAEYC Code of Ethical Conduct

I have chosen my summary of understanding artifact that I did in my practicum 3 class in my third semester. This artifact shows that I adhere to the NAEYC code of ethical conduct. As a result of this assignment I now know the NAEYC code of ethical conduct and can use these guidelines in my career of working with children. Code of ethical conduct shows different responsibilities guidelines for children, families, staff, coworkers, community, employer, and society. 

B. You Adhere to Professional Workplace Behaviors

I have chosen this evaluation from my second semester of school in my practicum 2 class. It demonstrates below what are my particular strengths, what I am competent and what I am developing. It also shows that I adhere to professional workplace behaviors by showing up, good hygiene, dress professionally, warm and friendly, etc. 

C.  You Advocate for the Early Childhood Profession

 I have chosen this artifact to demonstrate my advocate for Early Childhood Profession. 
Demonstrated below shows my advocacy summary that I did in my Family Communities and Relationships class in my third semester. This artifact shows how I support Birth to Three program for individual children and their families that need the extra help. After doing this assignment it taught me that there's a lot of helpful resources out there for families that struggle. I chose birth to three program to advocate, because the first three years are the most important and that children around this age need the help right away before its to late. 

A.         D. You Advocate For all Children and Families

 I have chosen my advocate project as my artifact that I did in my third semester in my Family Communities and Relationships class. This artifact shows how I support and advocate for the Birth to Three program. I have learned a lot from this assignment on how much help there actually is for families that struggle. Birth to three program is a wonderful program that will give families the help they need for children that are developing delays or disabilities. 

E. You Collaborate with Others

I have chosen this artifact that I did in my third semester in my Family and Community Relationships class. This assignment demonstrates that I can collaborate with others.  While working on this assignment; the class divided up and created a resource file that will help us and many others to locate different kinds of services that are in Green Bay, WI. The sources were food pantry, entertainment, shelter, special needs, etc. 

F. You use Reflective Practices

I have chosen this artifact from my practicum 3 final journal in my third semester.  I picked this journal to reflect on all of my experiences I had with practicum 3. I felt like practicum 3 was the one practicum that had the most meaning and learning experience I ever had. I also picked this journal, because it reflects how much I improved as a future teacher by learning from these new experiences. 

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