ECE: 6 Integrate Health,Safety, and Nutrition Practices

ECE 6: Integrate Health, Safety, and Nutrition Practices

A.         A.  You Recognize Your Role as a Mandated Reporter of Suspected Child Abuse &Neglect

 I have chosen my child abuse and neglect sheet that I did in my Health Safety and Nutrition class that I took in my first semester. It explains what I should do if I expect abuse and neglect going on with the child. On this paper it will tell you steps what to do when you called CPS. It has resources, phone numbers, role of mandated reporter and eight signs of abuse. I could always look back at this sheet to remember what to do next. Before I took this class I never heard about a mandated reporter. Now I know that part of my job is to always report abuse or neglect even though you’re not sure about, but just have suspicion. I choose this as my artifact, because it has a lot of useful stuff and it also shows I recognize my role as a mandated reporter. 

A.      B.You Demonstrate or Provide Documentation of Training in Prevention Strategies for SIDS and SBS

 I have chosen my completed SIDS and Shaken baby syndrome certificate as my artifact. I completed this in my Foundations and Health Safety and Nutrition class in my first semester. This artifact shows that I completed my training and know what I can do to prevent and what not to do. I can also educate others about SIDS and Shaken baby syndrome, so we can prevent it from happening. Shaken baby is the worst thing out there you could do it and its 100% stoppable. SIDS you could always try to prevent, but even if you do all the steps to prevent it can still happen. I choose this artifact, because it shows that I successfully completed my training in SIDS and Shaken Baby Syndrome. 

A.        C. You Provide/Contribute to a Healthy and Safe Environment

 I have chosen this artifact from my Health Safety and Nutrtion class that I did in my first semester of school. Demonstrated below is a safety checklist on my practicum environment. I actually observe my first practicum site when I did this checklist for my first semester. This shows me what I have to look for when I am doing a safety check to make sure children are safe. It shows general indoor area some examples are; windows can’t be open more than six inches below, emergency lighting equipment works, etc. Toys and equipment examples; Sleeping surfaces are fir, shooting or projectile toys are not present, etc. Hallways and stairways examples; Handrails are securely mounted at children’s height, Emergency exit doors have easy-open latches, etc. Then there’s kitchen, food preparation and storage areas, bathrooms, playgrounds, surfacing, etc. I choose this artifact, because it provides and contributes all the health and safety things I need to know when working with children. 

A.         D. You Adhere to State Licensing Rules

 I have chosen this artifact from my Health Safety and Nutrition class that I took in my first semester. Demonstrated below is my LP3 Regulations Critique. The paper shows me describing and stating my opinion on sanitation, emergencies, meals and snacks. While writing this paper I got look through the start licensing rules book. This book should me what rules are in place to protect children, parents, and staff. This artifact shows that I will adhere to the state licensing rules.  

A.              E.  You Plan Nutritious Meals and Snacks

 I have chosen this artifact from my Health Safety and Nutrition class in my first semester. I created a menu for the children. This artifact shows how many times they need to eat and shows examples of what should be eating during breakfast, lunch, morning snack, and afternoon snack time. I choose this artifact, because it shows that I can plan nutritious meals and snacks for children. 

A.                F. You Follow Standard Sanitation Practices

 I have chosen this artifact from my Health Safety and Nutrition class that I did in my first semester. It demonstrates my outline of sanitary procedures and standard precautions.
I choose this artifact, because it shows that I know the difference between cleaning, sanitizing, and disinfecting, the formula of disinfecting, procedures, safety of using bleach, standard precautions, proper hand washing, diapering procedure, and injuries precaution. It also shows that I can follow the standard sanitation practices while working with children. 

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